Stations of the Cross

I was privileged to be in the exhibition Stations of the Cross in Sydney this year with 14 other amazing artists (Harrie Fasher, James Drinkwater, Toni Hassan, Jenny Little, Girges Nagieb, Matthew Calandra, Tony Mighell, Chris Wyatt, Joe Furlonger, Chris Auckett, Jeanette Siebols, John Forrester Clack, Reg Mombassa and Euan Macleod ) we delivered the paintings but alas... the Rona.

Thought I’d show you my interpretation of Station 3, where Jesus falls for the first time.

This is my story

Aboriginal people may have conflicting views on the details of religious belief but as my grandmother would say to us...Baiame(our Creator),God, Baiame whatever his name he was the instrument of creation. Aboriginal people understand how it was created was through, The Dreaming. Being asked to interpret Station 3 through Aboriginal eyes is a privilege. I talked to many Aboriginal people who hold Christianity and The Dreaming close to their soul. I have used the Aboriginal language of symbolism and colour to interpret Jesus first fall. He is decorated as an elder with the cross on his back after he falls. The cross is full of people - we believe the cross represents the weight of all the sins of people, making it a very heavy burden that only he can take on.The path that he must walk in shown to the left with his final destination represented by the circle with funeral symbols of remembrance at its centre. the Disciples are at this location (they are denoted by 3 clay pots = teachers of lore). Above the cross is the outcome of his journey. The circles are communities of people linked to the meaning of the cross and each other.

You can read more about the exhibition here:


Poles at Wollombi


Collecting and grinding ochres